I am back. OMG shit loads has happened since my last post months and months ago
So lets think... yes, the Boy and I eloped. Quite funny really. He was out with his friend and got rather drunked. I knew he would come over so I drunk a lil and when he turned up we went to the local chinese where it all happened. We'd only been together for 12 days and we're still kinda testing the water. He drunkenly said that I didnt love him to which I replied "I love you so much I'd quite happly run off to Vegas with you this weekend and marry you". To which, he grabbed my wrist and said come on then, dragged me back to his flat and we booked the flights. While he was packing I booked the accommodation and we left less than 10 hours later (Thurs am). We arrived in Vegas Thurs am, and talked about it Friday. We decided it felt right on the Friday; we got the outfits and rings on the Saturday, booked the venue and got the license on the Sunday and got married on the Monday!!! We flew back Wednesday and had to face the music (my family were ok but his were a lil miffed at missing out).
After the wedding we had to cram in as much time as possible together and I had to finsih my Masters dissertation for six-weeks. Then I moved 150miles away and started a full time job, whilst trying to finish my dissertation. Once that was handed in in September, I spent got to know my new family. My Nan who was my world and was my Mum, my Dad, my Nan, my Granddad and my bestfriend passed away very suddenly. I still get very upset talking about it. I was off work with a "stress induced reaction to berevement" for nearly a month. November was spent trying to be strong and December was all about looking forward and planning our first xmas. Jan has pretty much been about settling in in my job and expanding my knowledge.
And now we're here... that's been a whistlestop tour of my year. so how's yours been. i'm sorry about being away from SG for so long.,, life just carried me away!!
The day after syaing I do
So lets think... yes, the Boy and I eloped. Quite funny really. He was out with his friend and got rather drunked. I knew he would come over so I drunk a lil and when he turned up we went to the local chinese where it all happened. We'd only been together for 12 days and we're still kinda testing the water. He drunkenly said that I didnt love him to which I replied "I love you so much I'd quite happly run off to Vegas with you this weekend and marry you". To which, he grabbed my wrist and said come on then, dragged me back to his flat and we booked the flights. While he was packing I booked the accommodation and we left less than 10 hours later (Thurs am). We arrived in Vegas Thurs am, and talked about it Friday. We decided it felt right on the Friday; we got the outfits and rings on the Saturday, booked the venue and got the license on the Sunday and got married on the Monday!!! We flew back Wednesday and had to face the music (my family were ok but his were a lil miffed at missing out).
After the wedding we had to cram in as much time as possible together and I had to finsih my Masters dissertation for six-weeks. Then I moved 150miles away and started a full time job, whilst trying to finish my dissertation. Once that was handed in in September, I spent got to know my new family. My Nan who was my world and was my Mum, my Dad, my Nan, my Granddad and my bestfriend passed away very suddenly. I still get very upset talking about it. I was off work with a "stress induced reaction to berevement" for nearly a month. November was spent trying to be strong and December was all about looking forward and planning our first xmas. Jan has pretty much been about settling in in my job and expanding my knowledge.
And now we're here... that's been a whistlestop tour of my year. so how's yours been. i'm sorry about being away from SG for so long.,, life just carried me away!!

The day after syaing I do
Will put more pics up when I can be arsed lol
I couldn't find the ring either when it came time as it wasn't in a box and was buried underneath a load of crap in my pocket

That's some trip!