at the moment i am stuck in essay-hell
oh, and i am ill with bad throat and lady flu
oh and my body has decided that it does not like the leftover pizza i just had
so all-in-all i am feeling like shit (doesn't help I stayed up til 2am to watch Messiah 2 but to fair, what else is a gal with insomnia gonna do (bar drink and party but i've done that before and it ended up in 10k+ debt and having to resit a year at uni!!!)
oh the plus side I am *loving* The Kills at the moment so that makes everything all good. Midnight Boom is just fucking amazing... can't stop listening to Black Balloon and this....
and what's even better is the fact I'm going to see them sooooooooon
EDIT - oh, and M.E.X.I.C.O. foooook yea!!!!!

oh the plus side I am *loving* The Kills at the moment so that makes everything all good. Midnight Boom is just fucking amazing... can't stop listening to Black Balloon and this....
and what's even better is the fact I'm going to see them sooooooooon

EDIT - oh, and M.E.X.I.C.O. foooook yea!!!!!
I was a bit disappointed with the new The Kills album. I loved the first two but this doesn't seem to be as good somehow, it's by no means rubbish but it just doesn't hold my attention like the other two.