Spent all day today in Ikea (oh dear God - Saturday afternoon spent it Ikea - I'M GETTING OLD!!) and have lots of new goodies to entertain myself with including these tins of joy!
Am off to see my gay best friend (yes, that is his official title) tonight for a few beverages of the alcoholic variety
Had some really weird "this-news-is-going-to-fuck-your-head-up" news yesterday... not quite sure how to cope with it. and i can't tak to the only person who i've truey opened up to about everything to do with this, so I'm feeling a little lost. i know i have other people to speak to but i can't be arsed to go over everything in detail (which is what is needed to fully understand the enormity of this shitty news) and i can't rake up the heartache all over again - i just wish i could speak to my special person
right... shower time
loveidge xxx