the last week or so have been mildly entertaining! last week i felt like poop with a tummy bug but i managed to keep it at bay with lots of probiotic drinks!
last weekend me and five friends went down to Brighton for Pride which was wicked but I realise what a bitch one of my "friends" was, when she kept calling me (or implying that I was) a slut - she even introduced me to her friends, one of whom I had never met when I wasn't even in the room, as "the maneater, the slut" which just isn't true; that's not me at all!! unfortunately this started on the friday night just before we started getting ready for a night out and because i was drunk i got really fucked off with her (que a barrage of texts to a friend of mine who had been pre-warned and had accepted the challange of my drunken texts!). by the end of the weekend i came to the conclusion that she is jealous of me - i get quite of lot of male attention (which is generally unwanted) whereas she gets very little - and as a result she feels the need to be a bitch to me when she's feeling threatened. i am sure if i told her how much she has hurt me over the last year or so she would alter her behaviour but, to be fair, i shouldn't have to tell her that calling me a slut, directly or through implication, upsets me - it's kinda fucking obvious! (this is also the "friend" who repeatidly slept with (and became obsessed with) my younger brother when i had specifically made it clear that he was out of bounds - i thought it was a given that brothers were off limits but apparently not!)
Pride itself was amazing - the weather was divine and the costumes were outrageous!!! Funniest sights of the weekend:-
1. a very camp chav and his very camp chav friend attemping to chat up a police officer on the Sussex Constabulary stall ("oooo officer you must be soooooo hot" (whilst trying to play with the officers tie), "i'm boiling", "that wasn't what i meant!" (attempting to look coy) ) SOOOOO funny
2. to my left was a very camp drag queen talking over us to her friend who had just come out the loos and was heading towards her "honey where the hell have you been?" (in a very camp theaterical voice) "sorry. i didn't realise taking a slash would take so long in this place?" (in a very gruff very male voice) SOOOOO funny
3. walking down to Preston Park, past a pub where there was a man in fancy dress as a woman (but not drag - think friday night on the piss fancy dress) with week old stubble, sitting on the pub steps having a cigeratte, looking down at the floor in a "what the hell am i doing?" kinda way. we looked back and he was fine - it was just a timing spur of the moment situation!
I got rather burnt over the weekend, but am now going a delicious deep brown
But on the booooo side, the sun triggered an evil coldsore of doom that has practically taken over my whole bottom lip and doesn't seem to be getting any better, so i have been feeling like shit allllll week and have been going to bed at 7pm!!
This weekend includes a meeting with the bank *gulp*, maybe a new piercing, seeing me Nan, maybe a trip to Ikea to get a shelf or two, seeing one of my closest friends who's having a bit of a shit time and then back Sunday night for a BBQ (yes another one - that will be the third in a week!! woo hoo - i LOVE the summer!)
Have a good one!!!
Loveidge xxx
last weekend me and five friends went down to Brighton for Pride which was wicked but I realise what a bitch one of my "friends" was, when she kept calling me (or implying that I was) a slut - she even introduced me to her friends, one of whom I had never met when I wasn't even in the room, as "the maneater, the slut" which just isn't true; that's not me at all!! unfortunately this started on the friday night just before we started getting ready for a night out and because i was drunk i got really fucked off with her (que a barrage of texts to a friend of mine who had been pre-warned and had accepted the challange of my drunken texts!). by the end of the weekend i came to the conclusion that she is jealous of me - i get quite of lot of male attention (which is generally unwanted) whereas she gets very little - and as a result she feels the need to be a bitch to me when she's feeling threatened. i am sure if i told her how much she has hurt me over the last year or so she would alter her behaviour but, to be fair, i shouldn't have to tell her that calling me a slut, directly or through implication, upsets me - it's kinda fucking obvious! (this is also the "friend" who repeatidly slept with (and became obsessed with) my younger brother when i had specifically made it clear that he was out of bounds - i thought it was a given that brothers were off limits but apparently not!)
Pride itself was amazing - the weather was divine and the costumes were outrageous!!! Funniest sights of the weekend:-
1. a very camp chav and his very camp chav friend attemping to chat up a police officer on the Sussex Constabulary stall ("oooo officer you must be soooooo hot" (whilst trying to play with the officers tie), "i'm boiling", "that wasn't what i meant!" (attempting to look coy) ) SOOOOO funny
2. to my left was a very camp drag queen talking over us to her friend who had just come out the loos and was heading towards her "honey where the hell have you been?" (in a very camp theaterical voice) "sorry. i didn't realise taking a slash would take so long in this place?" (in a very gruff very male voice) SOOOOO funny
3. walking down to Preston Park, past a pub where there was a man in fancy dress as a woman (but not drag - think friday night on the piss fancy dress) with week old stubble, sitting on the pub steps having a cigeratte, looking down at the floor in a "what the hell am i doing?" kinda way. we looked back and he was fine - it was just a timing spur of the moment situation!
I got rather burnt over the weekend, but am now going a delicious deep brown
But on the booooo side, the sun triggered an evil coldsore of doom that has practically taken over my whole bottom lip and doesn't seem to be getting any better, so i have been feeling like shit allllll week and have been going to bed at 7pm!!
This weekend includes a meeting with the bank *gulp*, maybe a new piercing, seeing me Nan, maybe a trip to Ikea to get a shelf or two, seeing one of my closest friends who's having a bit of a shit time and then back Sunday night for a BBQ (yes another one - that will be the third in a week!! woo hoo - i LOVE the summer!)
Have a good one!!!
Loveidge xxx
and that girl sounds a nasty piece of work !!
oh and good luck with the bank !!
i wish id gone to pride.i love brighton so much...wish i could live there!!!