agghhhh i hate consumer law... actually scrap that. i just hate my lecturer - she is a twat!
on the plus side, i am really looking forward to my future - woop de woop
i have never looked forward to my future before, so i apologise for going on about it. and, noooo it has nothing to do with a bloke - i am still ridcilioulsy single, but i have other stuff to look forward to and i am loving it! just need to get this shitty exam out the way and then i can concentrate on something i really want
here's a pic of my new Ink! .... i do have a little question about it tho (a little late i know, but i am confused)... seeing films like Hook and Disney's Peter Pan I always thought that the directions to Neverland were something along the lines of "second star to the left and straight on til morning" but i wanted to check. When doing my research I read that the original directions in Barrie's book were something like "third on the right and straight on" but Disney had changed them. I can't remember where i read that the original directions had reference to three stars but I can't find it now. I don't much care what the directions are, as the stars also represent me (the big star), my sister who died (the middle star, but who will always be a baby to me) and my brother (the last star, being the last born) but I would just like to double check the orginal directions - to me it is the directions to Neverland and the many associated memories I have (mosty to do with my Dad)
Oooo I am getting some more stuff done when I have some spare pennies.... some elvish on my foot and binary code down my spine! and I can't wait!
I'm off to Monkey World this Friday, Graduation Ball (con posh frock) Saturday, dinner with me Nan Sunday, Graduation ceremony Monday and a helluva lot of drink to top it all off - and seeing people I haven't seen since term ended who I miss loads!
on the plus side, i am really looking forward to my future - woop de woop

here's a pic of my new Ink! .... i do have a little question about it tho (a little late i know, but i am confused)... seeing films like Hook and Disney's Peter Pan I always thought that the directions to Neverland were something along the lines of "second star to the left and straight on til morning" but i wanted to check. When doing my research I read that the original directions in Barrie's book were something like "third on the right and straight on" but Disney had changed them. I can't remember where i read that the original directions had reference to three stars but I can't find it now. I don't much care what the directions are, as the stars also represent me (the big star), my sister who died (the middle star, but who will always be a baby to me) and my brother (the last star, being the last born) but I would just like to double check the orginal directions - to me it is the directions to Neverland and the many associated memories I have (mosty to do with my Dad)
Oooo I am getting some more stuff done when I have some spare pennies.... some elvish on my foot and binary code down my spine! and I can't wait!
I'm off to Monkey World this Friday, Graduation Ball (con posh frock) Saturday, dinner with me Nan Sunday, Graduation ceremony Monday and a helluva lot of drink to top it all off - and seeing people I haven't seen since term ended who I miss loads!

What's Monkey World?
Monkey World is a ape resue centre in Dorset - they have / used to have a show on Meridan (ITV) on Sunday afternoons about the rescue and conservation work they do around the world.