sorry i have been away for a while - things got kinda manic...
so what have i been up to?? well i handed in (and got back) my dissertaion - got a 2:1 but i was really disappointed with my mark (but ho hum - the feedback was fair!) sat my exams (of which uni fucked up BIG time on one of them which was kinda stressful)... well i finished uni!! (i say that but i have one more exam next week, which i was supposed to sit back in May but didn't - but yet again, uni nearly fucked up on this one too!)
I have my Graduation Ball a week today, and I graduate on 23rd which I am sooooo looking forward to, just to see everyone one last time!
Erm... what else. One of my housemates has been driving me mad (not the same one as last time - they have moved out now!) but I will get onto that another day when I have the energy!
Ooooo I have new ink - directions to Neverland on my right wrist, which I LOVE!
Even Ooooooier I am off to see Gwen Stefani in September, Jimmy Carr in October, Arcade Fire in October and Bloc Party in December... so all in all some gooooood gigs lined up! Most excited about Arcade Fire coz they are just AMAZING!!!!
Life is feeling like its kinda getting back on track - I'm still thinking about leaving and starting afresh somewhere else, but I don't feel that I need to deny my reasons for wanting to leave anymore. I have a job that I really enjoy and some money coming in. My masters is only about 6 weeks away and I am really excited about life at the moment (ok, so it may only be a temporary moment of positivity but it's better than nout!)
I had a life-changing realisation at the beginning of the month, that has explained sooo much to me, about some of my demons and why I could never accept me for who I was, when I was younger.
I kinda had a life-changing realisation today as well - I am really close to my Nan - I love her to pieces and I want her to see me get married one day. So I will probably want to get married in the next few years... and for once that doesn't scare me!
The winds are changing....
EDIt - I'm going to be a godmother again soon!!!
so what have i been up to?? well i handed in (and got back) my dissertaion - got a 2:1 but i was really disappointed with my mark (but ho hum - the feedback was fair!) sat my exams (of which uni fucked up BIG time on one of them which was kinda stressful)... well i finished uni!! (i say that but i have one more exam next week, which i was supposed to sit back in May but didn't - but yet again, uni nearly fucked up on this one too!)
I have my Graduation Ball a week today, and I graduate on 23rd which I am sooooo looking forward to, just to see everyone one last time!
Erm... what else. One of my housemates has been driving me mad (not the same one as last time - they have moved out now!) but I will get onto that another day when I have the energy!
Ooooo I have new ink - directions to Neverland on my right wrist, which I LOVE!
Even Ooooooier I am off to see Gwen Stefani in September, Jimmy Carr in October, Arcade Fire in October and Bloc Party in December... so all in all some gooooood gigs lined up! Most excited about Arcade Fire coz they are just AMAZING!!!!
Life is feeling like its kinda getting back on track - I'm still thinking about leaving and starting afresh somewhere else, but I don't feel that I need to deny my reasons for wanting to leave anymore. I have a job that I really enjoy and some money coming in. My masters is only about 6 weeks away and I am really excited about life at the moment (ok, so it may only be a temporary moment of positivity but it's better than nout!)
I had a life-changing realisation at the beginning of the month, that has explained sooo much to me, about some of my demons and why I could never accept me for who I was, when I was younger.
I kinda had a life-changing realisation today as well - I am really close to my Nan - I love her to pieces and I want her to see me get married one day. So I will probably want to get married in the next few years... and for once that doesn't scare me!
The winds are changing....

EDIt - I'm going to be a godmother again soon!!!
where is the picture of your new ink? i wanna see