I have just realised how sad my dissertation has made me. Here are some examples of the things that have made me excited today:
- downloading the House soundtrack
- downloading the Scrubs soundtrack
- getting Buy One Get One Free on two bottles on conditioner, two cans of deodrant an two tubs of posh shower gel - saving 6!
- getting a fab new red Van hoodie for 12!!!
- getting a ceaser salad for 3
- finding out they have jobs in White Stuff (I have an obsession with White Stuff!)
- realising I get my student loan in a week (and thus I can afford to eat!)
- realising I am attractive without my make-up on
- wasting most of the day looking for album art for all of my music to ensure that my new i-tunes is pretty - my new fav dissertation avoidance tatic
- realising how close a friend and I have become (ok, so that one isn't that pathetic, but it make me smile, so I added it to the list!)
On the downside, I have been poorly with chest and rib pain. The doc thinks it could be 1. shingles; 2. muscloskeletal; 3. a prob with my heart
... also my thumb has started hurting
Oh and my housemate broke a small mirror in my room and didn't even apologise (her respone was "oh well. you've got others!") *bitch*
Oh and I have started a diet so I look uberly hot for the graduation ceremony photos and the ball in July
- downloading the House soundtrack
- downloading the Scrubs soundtrack
- getting Buy One Get One Free on two bottles on conditioner, two cans of deodrant an two tubs of posh shower gel - saving 6!
- getting a fab new red Van hoodie for 12!!!
- getting a ceaser salad for 3
- finding out they have jobs in White Stuff (I have an obsession with White Stuff!)
- realising I get my student loan in a week (and thus I can afford to eat!)
- realising I am attractive without my make-up on
- wasting most of the day looking for album art for all of my music to ensure that my new i-tunes is pretty - my new fav dissertation avoidance tatic
- realising how close a friend and I have become (ok, so that one isn't that pathetic, but it make me smile, so I added it to the list!)
On the downside, I have been poorly with chest and rib pain. The doc thinks it could be 1. shingles; 2. muscloskeletal; 3. a prob with my heart

Oh and I have started a diet so I look uberly hot for the graduation ceremony photos and the ball in July
i think i did everything possible to avoid doing my dissertation , i would end up doing house work and other random things just so i would not have to sit down and do it, shocking