Well I have been semi-good this week. I have had a few drinks, but nothing major. I will explain the whole "I am never drinking again thing"....
Last weekend was St Paddys (as I am sure you well know and was also England v Wales rugby) and I got shit faced... and I mean off my rocker pissed!! 12 hours of solid drinking - wine, vodka and coke, an obscene amount of snakebite, cider and then JD and coke, which just finished me off!! I ended up being taken home by this guy I know who was a complete gentleman, but is just not for me. Anyways, I was sooooo hungover on Mothers Day by midnight Sunday I thought I was dying ha ha ha!! I managed to hold it together throughout Mothers Day though (yay!) which my family appreciated, although my Mum did try to get me to eat chicken, chicken gravy, and roast potatoes cooked in chicken fat, and my brother served me veg coated in chicken grease
For those of you that don't know, I am pescatarian - I eat fish and seafood, but not meat or meat by-products, so I was rather unimpressed by the chickeny stuff (I had fish). Anyways all week I have had a corona, a cider and a sailor jerrys and coke, and I am rather chuffed with myself.
Also, I lost all of my dissertation this week (shitty laptop crashed and deleted the doc) so Wednesday was spent trying to recover the docs and Thursday was spent buying and formatting a nice shiney new laptop!!!
I am finally up to date with what I have lost, but was pissed off at losing two days!
Things are improving with It Cant Happen (who is now renamed to The Man as it seems to be happening) It's just a question of time...
Oooo and I got House season 2 for 8.99
which I have just started watching!!!
EDIT: I've got to take y lip stud out. I am not happy
Last weekend was St Paddys (as I am sure you well know and was also England v Wales rugby) and I got shit faced... and I mean off my rocker pissed!! 12 hours of solid drinking - wine, vodka and coke, an obscene amount of snakebite, cider and then JD and coke, which just finished me off!! I ended up being taken home by this guy I know who was a complete gentleman, but is just not for me. Anyways, I was sooooo hungover on Mothers Day by midnight Sunday I thought I was dying ha ha ha!! I managed to hold it together throughout Mothers Day though (yay!) which my family appreciated, although my Mum did try to get me to eat chicken, chicken gravy, and roast potatoes cooked in chicken fat, and my brother served me veg coated in chicken grease

Also, I lost all of my dissertation this week (shitty laptop crashed and deleted the doc) so Wednesday was spent trying to recover the docs and Thursday was spent buying and formatting a nice shiney new laptop!!!

Things are improving with It Cant Happen (who is now renamed to The Man as it seems to be happening) It's just a question of time...
Oooo and I got House season 2 for 8.99

EDIT: I've got to take y lip stud out. I am not happy

i think the mix you drunk would floor me aswell , never mix wine and cider