I am back. OMG shit loads has happened since my last post months and months ago
So lets think... yes, the Boy and I eloped. Quite funny really. He was out with his friend and got rather drunked. I knew he would come over so I drunk a lil and when he turned up we went to the local chinese where it all happened. We'd...
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So lets think... yes, the Boy and I eloped. Quite funny really. He was out with his friend and got rather drunked. I knew he would come over so I drunk a lil and when he turned up we went to the local chinese where it all happened. We'd...
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I couldn't find the ring either when it came time as it wasn't in a box and was buried underneath a load of crap in my pocket

That's some trip!
Just a quick update coz i am hanging and i wanna try to go to sleep but The Potential Boy is now The Boy!!!! I am sooooo happy
Now just to figure out what to do when I move

Now just to figure out what to do when I move

My wife and I spent a year apart when we first met as we were living in separate parts of the country and we've now together for almost 9 years. It just means a lot of travelling and compromises, but it can work
My wife and I spent a year apart when we first met as we were living in separate parts of the country and we've now together for almost 9 years. It just means a lot of travelling and compromises, but it can work

woop woop wooperdy woop
i felt the wooperdy was needed
i felt the wooperdy was needed
I was a very good gal this weekend, and went to the gym saturday night. ok, may sound a little lame to some, but it was nice. the pool was practically empty, as was the gym (athough I managed to forget my membership card (well I thought I had but I found out the next day that it was in my purse), my ipod, my...
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cake and ribs would make an excellent band name........hmmm
you would

So it's been about ten days since I split with The Boy. I miss him but I snapped myself out of the sadness - I've got so much on at the mo, I don't have time to mope.
Unfortunately I am now coming down with throat lurgie and feel like shit. I've been pushing myself too hard recently and this is my body's way of...
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Unfortunately I am now coming down with throat lurgie and feel like shit. I've been pushing myself too hard recently and this is my body's way of...
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get some more of that good soup lady
hope youve spent today all wrapped up in your duvet...always a good way to get rid of bugs!!

Split up with The Boy. Am Sad. Nuff said

thats okay , you know where i am if ya need a chat

oh no
i will kick his ass if you want me too...also, my inbox is all yours if you want to vent, even if it makes no sense...

i will kick his ass if you want me too...also, my inbox is all yours if you want to vent, even if it makes no sense...
at the moment i am stuck in essay-hell
oh, and i am ill with bad throat and lady flu
oh and my body has decided that it does not like the leftover pizza i just had
so all-in-all i am feeling like shit (doesn't help I stayed up til 2am to watch Messiah 2 but to fair, what else is a gal with insomnia gonna...
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I was a bit disappointed with the new The Kills album. I loved the first two but this doesn't seem to be as good somehow, it's by no means rubbish but it just doesn't hold my attention like the other two.
I have joined a gym! Ys, t'is true - I am a fully fledged member of posh old David Lloyd! It was kinda more a necessity - the muscle in my leg is wasting away so it's to help with my physio. I actually really enjoy it. I'm aiming to lose a stone in a month... fingers crossed!
erm... not much else to say other...
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erm... not much else to say other...
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i got to the gym to perv...........im not ashamed , i sometimes workout there aswell
that sounds like my kind of gym, although I'd prefer one with the Krispy Kreme actually in it

My knee is slowly (and I mean very bloody slowly) getting better. The only problem is that I can't see that the swelling is going down
Mah! Am back at hospital on Friday so fingers crossed I will get some good news (or just some news!)
I got some lovely new ink on Thursday but oh Lord, it hurt.... it hurt bad but it looks...
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I got some lovely new ink on Thursday but oh Lord, it hurt.... it hurt bad but it looks...
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does that mean you're standing on your head?
The odd thing is I don't have a problem with someone rooting around my mouth drilling, pulling teeth etc... It's just the tiny little needle which is really no worse than getting a thorn in you when gardening or a bad splinter. The mind is a truly annoying thing at time
What type of cakes?

The odd thing is I don't have a problem with someone rooting around my mouth drilling, pulling teeth etc... It's just the tiny little needle which is really no worse than getting a thorn in you when gardening or a bad splinter. The mind is a truly annoying thing at time

What type of cakes?
they're very healthy cake choices, I was thinking more along the lines of chocolate and sponge. Apart from the Offspring and Rise Against Download isn't really for me. I'm hoping Reading has at least one day with a good line-up so the wife and I can go as it is only a mile or so from our house which makes it the perfect festival in my book as no camping is involved

i went to the dentist yesterday to have half a tooth filed (i bit my tounge stud ~ oops!) and i hate what she's done. it feels really cold and metallic and even aches a little
i sent off my pics for my disabled badge today
i have loads of work to do, yet again
I found some PhDships that I might apply for
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i sent off my pics for my disabled badge today

i have loads of work to do, yet again

I found some PhDships that I might apply for

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i'm sorry about your tooth
good luck with the PhDships
family always have a way of making us sad
good luck with the PhDships
family always have a way of making us sad
i guess the good news is that you're halfway through the week, love
well xmas was a little poop - i got called fat a load more which upset me a little (well a lot!). Yes I admit that I put on some weight over the annual gorgefest that we call Christmas but I don't care that much coz my boobs have got bigger woop!! Now I have a dilemma - do I try and lose the weight...
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Ah sounds like a lot of fun. Have a great time x
Bastards You are not fat Your beautiful I have your dilemma too hun i might be huge but so are my boobs i love them and they'll definatley go if i loose weight it sucks I want to be thin but i want to keep my boobs Aaaaaarrgggghhhhhhhh
Happy New Year sweetheart thankyou so much for the love and support you have shown me ove r the last year It means the world to me
Happy New Year sweetheart thankyou so much for the love and support you have shown me ove r the last year It means the world to me