hello everyone
How was the weekend??
Mine was cool until i found out that miy youngest daughter has chicken pox
she is much better now but she was quite poorly for a couple of days which result on a sleepless night!!poor thing...those blisters looked terrible on her legs,she was quite lucky that she didnt get any on her face just legs and arms....odd but better than the whole body!!!
well here I leave you with one of my oldies graphics....i hoep everyone has a great week!!!

How was the weekend??
Mine was cool until i found out that miy youngest daughter has chicken pox

she is much better now but she was quite poorly for a couple of days which result on a sleepless night!!poor thing...those blisters looked terrible on her legs,she was quite lucky that she didnt get any on her face just legs and arms....odd but better than the whole body!!!
well here I leave you with one of my oldies graphics....i hoep everyone has a great week!!!
