its been a while.
yaknow what sucks? waking up and having to pee.
how do you get back to sleep?!
i tried going quick so i dont wake up too much. it didnt work.
i woke up at 6 its now 8:16am boourns!
yaknow what sucks? waking up and having to pee.
how do you get back to sleep?!
i tried going quick so i dont wake up too much. it didnt work.
i woke up at 6 its now 8:16am boourns!
Sorry, i've never had that problem b4. usually i'm more sleepy after i pee, cuz i've used up so much energy walking to the bathroom and back.
the key is not to turn on any lights. Also, tell yourself you're just DREAMING about getting up to pee. It works for me, but then again, I'm not right in the head.