Same old same old for me my formal was saturday my life sucks and I need two more credits to graduate. Sorry I havent added any pix of me. I alwas end up drinking too much and forgetting to take pictures. I'll add a picture of my ferret Punky Brewster He's the only man in my life. Ha ha

the evil roxy!!!
south side what! represent.
so the other day a cop on the southside shot himself and blamed it on a random black guy. he now has 4 felony charges and people is pisssssed. reason #5879684 to not trust the police.
peace out player, take pride in the south side
[Edited on Apr 03, 2006 6:03PM]
so you remember lemmy? you know shawns friend that they found most of his body in garbage bags..... well they found his head yesterday in the grand river. lets go fishing!
also yesterday mitch had to talk to the cops after a guy shot his dealer in the face right in front of their house.
going out to get drunk as shit, should be fun.