sorry for not updating really...its been...kinda depressing. i got a call from the student loan fuckheads saying i hafta give them money or they're gonna start taking it out of my paycheck. i have to find all this extra money, and i just borrowed some money from my mom. ugh. it's always about stupid money. it sometimes just makes me feel like i wish i never went to college. cuz it's not really helping me. it feels like a waste of time and money. oh well. oh yeah. still no drummer for the band. hmph. hopefully one day...i had fun in LA, tho. i still like that city. it was hard work, too, but fun. i can look at clothes all day. all day and all night. well, i guess it's about time to drink that one beer i have in the fridge. god bless lone star. the end.
Happy birthday!

Happy Birthday!