what a week...what a week...creditors wanting my money (of which i have none) trying to find a new place to live...trying to scrape by on pennies...trying to plan a ghetto vacation for when i DO get paid, and not having any luck cuz it's fucking memorial day. little did i know that when i asked off work for this weekend that every hotel in the entire south east corner of texas was booked, and i'm sure every inch of crappy texas beach will be covered in redneck assholes. ARRRGH! where else can i go? i need to relax, dammit! i need cheap, easy, and cool entertainment for a couple of days. any ideas texas peeps? if i can't find anything i'm just gonna sit in my front yard with the hose on my head...what a vacation.

awww. you are so cute. was nice seeing you for a few minutes yesterday. it's always a treat to see your beautiful face... xoxo.
Hi Kitten! I've been good, the band is good. How are you and your music? I still hope we get to meet one day... If you want a ghetto vacation, come to LA, sleep on my couch, and we'll crash hotel pools together. Eh?