i know this is a "duh!" question, but did you see Slide's set? holy christ! i think it's one of the hottest first sets i've ever seen, if not the hottest. maybe i'm just horny... the new stickers are rad! i can't wait to get some! i've been squirreling away my old ones, because i only have a few. ugh, i'm so tired right now. i worked like 10 1/2 hours yesterday, and 8 1/2 today, which i know is like, not that much, but i still don't think i've completely recovered from tour. i know i'm not really used to texas time yet. it's only 2 hours' time difference, but it makes me wanna stay up really late and not get up in the morning. anyway, not a lot has been going on...no word on a new drummer yet, which kinda sucks, but it'll happen eventually. i've been getting these weird little dizzy spells a lot, and i have no idea why. they only last like half a second, but it still freaks me out a little. hopefully it's nothing...i noticed the other day that 4 out of 5 of my favorite SGs are posing with their arms up. isn't that weird? i guess i like that pose... 

im good. how are you?
wanna shoot soon?
you are a good one
love annie