i'm sad. today was Aiki's last set. she was one of the reasons i ever joined this site, let alone became a SG. she's such a rad, strong awesome punk girl. and beautiful to boot. someone left a comment on her journal that said, 'it's weird everyone's leaving.' is everyone leaving? who else left, or is leaving that i didn't know about? i'm not leaving. well, i'll be absentee for a couple of weeks while i'm on tour, but i'll be back. i will def. be back. anyway, i just took a long shower and listened to the Shirelles. it was quite nice. now's the time to treasure things like showers, considering in 3 days i'll be on the road...and who knows when we'll get to shower. alright, i promise to update AT LEAST once more before i leave...have a good week...
life on the road...i actually miss that! sleeping on floors or in the van, showering wherever & whenever you can, eating gas station food...i miss all that! seeing a different city each day, the downtime in the van on the road to the next city...i have some great memories from when i was on the road w/ girlush figure, boy do i miss doing that though!
have a great time on tour.