ahhh another week's over...guess what? i have 2 cavities! fuck! well, i made it 26 years without one. now, bam! 2! what the fuck? the worst part is that i can't even do anything about 'em until i get back from tour at the end of april, because i can't affford it. even with insurance it's expensive to a broke-ass like me. but luckily, they're pretty small, so it's not gonna kill me to wait....i guess.
...SXSW is pretty much here. austin is starting to get all crazy. every year it's like this. the whole city gets all frenzied. a lot of people can't fucking stand SXSW, and i can't really say that i blame them. i mean, there's tons of industry-type people walking around jabbering on their cells, and then 20 times a day you hear "Welcome to Austin!" last year we just started responding "I live here, motherfucker!". but i have to say i'm excited. i'm playing 2 shows, and i have 4 days off work, and i'll be drinking all day and seeing all my out of town friends' bands...so fun. the weather here is beautiful today, i hope it stays this way throughout the week. and im so glad it's nice today, because it's been so shitty the past couple of weekends, i haven't wanted to do shit. but today, i got up pretty early and went to the post office, and then i went to TARGET!!!! it was fun. i wandered around for like an hour and a half, and left with some cool stuff. alright, well, i'm gonna kick back for the rest of the day. and tonight, to the rock show! later....xoxoxo

...SXSW is pretty much here. austin is starting to get all crazy. every year it's like this. the whole city gets all frenzied. a lot of people can't fucking stand SXSW, and i can't really say that i blame them. i mean, there's tons of industry-type people walking around jabbering on their cells, and then 20 times a day you hear "Welcome to Austin!" last year we just started responding "I live here, motherfucker!". but i have to say i'm excited. i'm playing 2 shows, and i have 4 days off work, and i'll be drinking all day and seeing all my out of town friends' bands...so fun. the weather here is beautiful today, i hope it stays this way throughout the week. and im so glad it's nice today, because it's been so shitty the past couple of weekends, i haven't wanted to do shit. but today, i got up pretty early and went to the post office, and then i went to TARGET!!!! it was fun. i wandered around for like an hour and a half, and left with some cool stuff. alright, well, i'm gonna kick back for the rest of the day. and tonight, to the rock show! later....xoxoxo
when i lived down there, i always left town for dallas during sxsw (same with halloween, actually)
but now i'd probably stick around to see what was happening.
i guess i'm getting old and boring?