you know what makes me happy? and i mean, maybe it's just because i'm a Leo, but when i click on people's favorite SG pics, and there are pics from my set in there. i freakin can't WAIT to have a new set, that one feels so ancient. i know i've been saying this forever, but i have a feeling once i get going, i'm gonna have a lot of pictures. at least i hope. i hope i hope. ............... i'm so SO glad it's the weekend. i need to relax. i think it'll be a good weekend. mmm my snack of celery and onion/chive cream cheese is wearing off. i'm getting hungry again. what shall i have? i know i want beer. i know that. ok. i'm rambling. peace out.....
best beer ever in my opinion is: Le Fruit Dfendu
-Forbidden Fruit by much complexity going on, fruity, tasty, hints of corraiander and its a heady 8.5%...mmm yes decadence when the little amount of dosh i have allows for such indulgence....
..what is your favorite beer(s)??