look who's back! what's up? finally got the fucking cable back on, and then the internet wasn't working...anyway, finally got it all sorted out. yay for not checking email at the library anymore! hmm. i'm trying to think what's happened since i last updated...our record is almost finished. thank god. i have to go check out the artwork this weekend, and then it's getting sent off to be manufactured! woo hoo! i can't wait until i'm holding that vinyl in my hands. tour is still getting booked. ...SXSW is creeping ever closer. i hope it's as fun as last year! whew that shit was ka-razay. i think that's all that's been going on...hopefully i'll be updating more often now, now that i don't have to sit amongst crochety old ladies and weird dudes. well, now i have to go catch up on all the nekkidness i've been missing out on!
here's hoping my cable won't go out anytime in 2005!

So I'm sitting in class today and my mind is wandering to everywhere from the origin of the new and most popular culprit in poor health,"trans-fat" to why it is so hard for some people to realize that they should just make like lemmings... Anyways, I was also thinking of saying hello to my fellow SG peeps I have been removed from this past month, so HI!
As I am trying to expand my already gigantic library of music, I freely commission you to leave me the name of a band and/or a song or an album for me to check out. I would greatly appreciate it. Please no metal unless it's pre 1980. Thank you my friends.
PS ===> this is for all who have no idea what a MERKIN is... Enjoy!