so...our tour in march is getting more and more booked everyday...we still need shows in some places like salt lake city and LA and some other that i don't remember right now, but Portland, Seattle, San Fran, and San Diego are gonna be rad. We're touring with another band from Austin, The Ends. they're bad ass. i'm really looking forward to going out again..then maybe we can go to Europe later next year. i HOPE i HOPE!
i spent all day cleaning house.
now i'm tired and i smell like bathroom cleaner. it was like the only cleaner we have in the house, so i had to use it on everything. ghetto. last night i got drunk and crahsed into something, and now i have this huge gnarly bruise on my hip. it fuckin hurts. i'm clumsy to begin with, and then when you add alcohol into the equation, it's bad. i always have tons of bruises. sometimes when i have a bunch of bruises on my legs, i look down and say (really whinily) "Bahbie neva had bruises, Sid"...know what that's from? i'm sure you do, all you punkers...have a good saturday night.
i spent all day cleaning house.

but yeah, maybe we can work something out for PUNK NITE? maybe i can try to book both your band & SG Texas's band for the same show? That would be killer! But maybe we can work something out for either the PUNK NITE in july or september, whaddya say?
Is that from "Sid and Nancy," I still have never seen that movie, is it good? I need to see it cause Courtney Love is in it...and I've heard alot of stuff about this movie!
how are ya? how was your weekend? I'm upset that the tour is taking you out west. I'd love to see you guys.
christmas time in NY is insane. I'm convinced that everyone has lost their minds-myself included.
hope you're well