ok motherfuck FUCK! computer viruses are the fuckin WORST! but compie is fixed FOR NOW!...sorry to neglect all y'all... i've been having to check my email at the library, and there's no gettin to SG from there. so i've been stuck. i feel like i've missed out on so much, i don't know how to catch up or where to start. i just hope you guys don't think i was just being lazy. i know i've been talking about doing a new set, and i still want to, but i kinda want to get into better shape first. i can't believe there are almost 450 SGs now!! holy crap! when i became one, there weren't even 200! i wil try to post new pics of my noirness when i get some. until now, i will put up some from the glorious DOt - Dash festival back in July....hope y'all haven't given up on me............

here are the dates:
Jan 8th
March 5th
May 14th
July 2nd
Sept 3rd
Nov. 12th
can you do any of those dates? lemme know if ya can, we'd love to have ya out!!!
Hope the Winks are doing splendidly...