whew...ok, where to start? it's been a crazy month. got kicked out of our old house, our landlord took a bunch of our shit, but it's ok cuz i moved into a PHAT fucking house. ok, it's not really that phat, but compared to the old shithole, it's the Taj Mahal. so we finally got the interweb hook up today, and voila! i'm back! i know you missed me! hee hee! my kitten's getting all grown-up, i'm not a redhead anymore-back to black! im excited. hopefully pics soon. hmm, what else is new? we're supposedly recording an album next month, i'm really stoked on that. just hope it works out. gosh, i can't believe i haven't been on SG in over a month. that's the longest i've ever gone! well, that's all i can think of at the moment. but it's good to be back. ok, i have to go look at some naked boobies now. what? i'm in withdrawl, ok?


I just came across your set as well, you are gorgeous.