oy, what a weekend. we played a show on friday--on the very first song, i accidentally punched a guy in the head. it was kinda unnerving. but the rest of the show went good. we were pretty wasted. then my exboyfriend's band played, and i noticed that he was playing a guitar that he gave me for christmas when we were still together, but that was still at his house (along with a lot of other stuff that's mine), and that he told me before he didn't even like that guitar. i could've gotten it back from his house a million times, but didn't because i didnt wanna be rude. well, needless to say i was furious, and after the show, in my drunken state, i walked up to him. he was smirking and said,"like the axe?" and i was like "yeah." and then i said "i thought you didn't even like that guitar." he said,"well, i'm out of guitars right now. and i do like it, and if you ask for it back i'm not gonna give it to you. and i'm not gonna argue..." and at that point i realized what a HUGE ASShOLE he is, and i said very curtly "ALRIGHT." turned around and stormed out. after many tears and damn near breaking my hand by punching a tree, and our refrigerator door, i decided it wasn't worth it. i have two other guitars, sure they're not hollow body Airlines with a glittery pickguard that i played at our first show ever, that Tim Kerr told me was a rad guitar, but they're ok. someday i'll have another badass guitar that I buy MYSELF. so, yeah.
yesterday, i went to see the Donnie Darko director's cut. besides the fact that the girl sitting next to me was a total cunt (eating the whole time, including a stinky ass pickle, and then actually answering her goddamn cell phone in the middle of the movie), and the fact that i'd seen all the added scenes before, it was pretty cool. i never got to see DD when it was in the theatre the first time (cuz i'm an idiot) and i'm a huge film nerd, so it pretty much ruled. then we just got crunk at my house. and today...LAUNDRY DAY!
i'm looking forward to a lazy day. alright, i think this is my longest journal entry ever...hahaha...
yesterday, i went to see the Donnie Darko director's cut. besides the fact that the girl sitting next to me was a total cunt (eating the whole time, including a stinky ass pickle, and then actually answering her goddamn cell phone in the middle of the movie), and the fact that i'd seen all the added scenes before, it was pretty cool. i never got to see DD when it was in the theatre the first time (cuz i'm an idiot) and i'm a huge film nerd, so it pretty much ruled. then we just got crunk at my house. and today...LAUNDRY DAY!

Is your band any good??
i can see your a fan of the denim demons known as TURBONEGRO!!!! i started a group on here not to long ago.....if your interested.