fucking hell. i've been sitting here for 20 minutes trying to think of something to say that isn't totally whiney, but i'm sorry i can't. today has been incredibly sucky. i had the worst phone conversation with my ex ever. he was really really mean and said fuck you and hung up on me. then i had to go to work with my eyes all swole up, and i dont think i smiled all day. then i come home, and he sent me some apology. fuck! can this get anymore confusing? argh. also, i'm pretty sure that he's already seeing another girl. it's only been a fucking week. oh well. i guess it really is over. time to get fucking wasted.
hope my friends all have a good weekend.

hope my friends all have a good weekend.

Feel better.
good luck. and try not to let him make you cry! boys are dumb.