a week after working an exclusive secretary for playboy enterprise licensee company has passed and I could say I am tired as fuck...
I mean the CEO, my boss is pretty cool but he needs to understand that ordering 20 things in the sometime and expect it to be done in 2 hours aint cool also I believe the company should pay for my new pair of glasses since I have to sit behinds computer almost 10 hours a day lol
but i think the best thing would be peoples are so friendly, i get access to all the awesome parties and fashion show and i can wear whatever i want to work as long as i keep them IN style and i don't have to cover up my tatt or take my piercings off!
also we has just got the distributor's licence from Iron fist and i will get to meet Travis Anderson, the CEO of the brand for 3-4 days next month so now i wonder if i could ask him for free shoes and Iron Fist shoes are my weakness!
I hope everyone have a great weekend

I mean the CEO, my boss is pretty cool but he needs to understand that ordering 20 things in the sometime and expect it to be done in 2 hours aint cool also I believe the company should pay for my new pair of glasses since I have to sit behinds computer almost 10 hours a day lol
but i think the best thing would be peoples are so friendly, i get access to all the awesome parties and fashion show and i can wear whatever i want to work as long as i keep them IN style and i don't have to cover up my tatt or take my piercings off!
also we has just got the distributor's licence from Iron fist and i will get to meet Travis Anderson, the CEO of the brand for 3-4 days next month so now i wonder if i could ask him for free shoes and Iron Fist shoes are my weakness!
I hope everyone have a great weekend

Wow, you have an awesome job!
seriously! your job sounds so awesome