OMFG i still have no idea how did I get away with it and waking up with a phone call from my girl saying " tell me what i did lastnight cuz after that bloody long island iced tea. i cant remember shit" was a good way to wake up.
I kinda remember taking this pix sometimes when i get home lol well kinda......

and this is my sister's idea and take this pix of me... she said its like before and after pix lol
cant believe i m doing this but i think this is kinda cute " just waking up, thanks god for no hangover" pic lol

OMFG i still have no idea how did I get away with it and waking up with a phone call from my girl saying " tell me what i did lastnight cuz after that bloody long island iced tea. i cant remember shit" was a good way to wake up.
I kinda remember taking this pix sometimes when i get home lol well kinda......

and this is my sister's idea and take this pix of me... she said its like before and after pix lol
cant believe i m doing this but i think this is kinda cute " just waking up, thanks god for no hangover" pic lol

sexy, rar!
Glad youre hangover free, and so cute in the morning too!