Laurell K Hamilton !!!!! I beg you you must right a book that will take me longer than a day to read!!!! I can't go a year in between books that only take me 12 hours to read... I need my Anita Blake and Meredith Gentry fixes *shakes fist*
still trying to make friends on the site
I hate only have 5 or 6 and then I log on and I have one less ....

still trying to make friends on the site

I also was getting a little tired of Anita and the Vamps.
I hate her Vamps!
But the weres are cool except old self loathing wolf boy.
He is just annoying!
I also felt the books made Anita too bad ass. She had no humility.
For a supposedly Christian charactor, I thought she needed some.
And the sex just started taking over the books. Made them seem like the books with Fabio on the cover.
Don't get me wrong, I'm still a fan. It's just I didn't like Anita's charactor progression.
I became more of a fan of the supporting charactors, except Jean Claude and Richard.
The Pards are my favorite.