Vancouver cops blow my mind.
So they finally got off thier asses and pushed the dealers away from thier copshop a block away (idiots), then what - petition city council for LOADS (1.19 million) of cash so they can continue to harass the DES residents out the neighbourhood - with no plan to put them anywhere else - and pad the coffers while they're at it.
I'm glad the B.C. Civil Liberties Association has called for an audit of police internal investigations to try to determine whether the department should investigate itself when allegations of wrongdoing are made by citizens. I really hope they make a difference.
In the meantime, allegations by many groups (do a search for Vancouver Police on of excessive force, unwarranted abuse and violence by the VPD will continue. No wonder nobody trusts the cops. rant for the day. Now that I'm not camping like a good Canadian I still feel the need to do something. Complaining is another good Canadian quality. Maybe I'm just afraid to go out into the city - the mountains have no cops to beat you.
So they finally got off thier asses and pushed the dealers away from thier copshop a block away (idiots), then what - petition city council for LOADS (1.19 million) of cash so they can continue to harass the DES residents out the neighbourhood - with no plan to put them anywhere else - and pad the coffers while they're at it.
I'm glad the B.C. Civil Liberties Association has called for an audit of police internal investigations to try to determine whether the department should investigate itself when allegations of wrongdoing are made by citizens. I really hope they make a difference.
In the meantime, allegations by many groups (do a search for Vancouver Police on of excessive force, unwarranted abuse and violence by the VPD will continue. No wonder nobody trusts the cops. rant for the day. Now that I'm not camping like a good Canadian I still feel the need to do something. Complaining is another good Canadian quality. Maybe I'm just afraid to go out into the city - the mountains have no cops to beat you.
It seems to be the only way anyone is going to get the City Council to sit up and take notice. Maybe Peter Ladner pick up the slack will go on a crusade. He's good like that. We could make it an enviromental issue - "Cops Abusing Geese In False Creek!", and he'll go hard.
Thanks for the celebratory note!! I was thinking of throwing a little Happy 1st Post party but couldn't arrange for a band on such short notice... Hey, I'm sure the Vancover cops are shite but Toronto PD's incomptence is legendary... Hey, at least I'm not an American...