Does the sight of squash in the vegetable aisle of the supermarket get you excited, too??
Ok, now get your mind out of the gutter... What I mean is that the sight of squash means FALL to me. It means making yummy baked squash with lots of butter, it means warm kitchens, and sweaters and cold mornings....
It's amazing what three years of living on the east coast with real seasons has done to this California native.

Ok, now get your mind out of the gutter... What I mean is that the sight of squash means FALL to me. It means making yummy baked squash with lots of butter, it means warm kitchens, and sweaters and cold mornings....
It's amazing what three years of living on the east coast with real seasons has done to this California native.

i just got back from my time off with my boi
it was wonderful.
he's wonderful