I'm still hating the "new look." I don't why they "fixed" something that wasn't broken to begin with.
On another note: 10 days until we sign and this place, albeit lovely, is no longer ours!!!! Yippee! (I'm especially happy about this realization, because I just finished mowing our weeds (more weeds than grass), and I will never miss doing that again!!!!)
On another note: 10 days until we sign and this place, albeit lovely, is no longer ours!!!! Yippee! (I'm especially happy about this realization, because I just finished mowing our weeds (more weeds than grass), and I will never miss doing that again!!!!)

crazy on the moving, is the new place bigger or smaller? (hey, i have no clue)
In October I was kinda down your way (eventhough not excatly close). At least once a year I go down to Cape Charles, VA. to visit friends that I have down there, and to play some golf. This year I was staying across the bay in VA Beach. As I was driving down there my friend called me to tell me that they were call ing for a coastal storm for the weekend, and that my golf plans would be screwed more then likely. Well that Friday it was windy and raining (no golf) so I messed Norfolk for awhile, then came up with the brite idea to drive up to Cape Charles for lunch with my friend at the golf course. Drive accross the CBB&T was cute. The tops of waves were crashing over the bridge, and the wind was super intence. It was fun.
Hope you have a good week.