Hey boys and girls, here's a picture of my Shitake Log!!!!!!:
I got it from one of my cousins for xmas. I don't know how he knew I'd be into this, but I am very happy. Actually, what really makes me happy is that it sprouted so quick. It came from Red Envelope, and has directions for inside and outside growth. Since they're mushrooms, obviously humidity plays a large factor, and since its winter, I decided to put it in the bathtub where its shady and moist from the humidity produced by our daily showers.
To answer your question, the white spots are the pugs of shitake spores pressed into the oak log. They are covered with a layer of wax, and I believe they were prepared sometime ago, because otherwise I wouldn't have expected it to sprout so soon. Anyway, I can't wait to put these mushrooms on a salad in the near future!

I got it from one of my cousins for xmas. I don't know how he knew I'd be into this, but I am very happy. Actually, what really makes me happy is that it sprouted so quick. It came from Red Envelope, and has directions for inside and outside growth. Since they're mushrooms, obviously humidity plays a large factor, and since its winter, I decided to put it in the bathtub where its shady and moist from the humidity produced by our daily showers.
To answer your question, the white spots are the pugs of shitake spores pressed into the oak log. They are covered with a layer of wax, and I believe they were prepared sometime ago, because otherwise I wouldn't have expected it to sprout so soon. Anyway, I can't wait to put these mushrooms on a salad in the near future!

And yes, I like the smell...whatsittoya??