Eh, not much to tell. Just got in my very first accident. Backed up into a nice girl's Subaru outback in the dark parking garage. Barely. No damage to either car, as far as I could see. So, here's hoping she won't take me to the cleaners!
God I suck.
Luckily she didn't pickup before I hung up.
At this point your on your own as far as communicating with her goes.
one time i was driving a brand new 4-Runner with 6 surfboards haphazardly strapped to the roof in downtown San Jose Costa Rica on a surf trip and really fucking tired....somehow i backed into a taxi in front of a hotel...i and my fellow travelers freaked out and expected the cops to come and arrest us all and hold us for ransom for all our gringo cash...i stepped out of the car apologizing and sweating profusely...the cabbie stuck his head out of the window and said with a smile, "Don't happy"....i love that country and its people...ima retire there one of these days