yeah I've been in dallas for the past 2 weeks for work.... it's called getting up at 5 everymorning, sitting at computer all day then comming back to my hotel room god knows when...... I tak my last exam 2 morrow morning... then I'm going to houston, then chicago or baltimore.... then back in good ol RI... se everybody 2 morow night. I made so many freinds here. Besides the trainng and constant computer codes, texas as been quite good to me. But I miss my car... and my computer, and my room.... sooo bad. I'm overworked and ready to take a looong nap... then back off to work monday afternoon... yaaay, at least I get sunday off.... but I'm partying with tracy hopefully that night so... yay go me and my awesome friends. ok I'll upate later. and yes I'm still thinking about a photo shoot... byes
hey girl im back online just thought id say high!!!