I've lost all my faith in god and what i beleived in. it was nice to feel security out of what i was taught. When you get older u tend to realize that if there was a god he's rather selfish and can't quite possibly love us all. We're all just really smart organisims on a big ball of gas and various other materials that think that human thoughs and actions are what is popularly known as a "spirit" and that we all go to this wonderfull perish after we die.... when we die our brains die, and when our brains die we dont think, makeing us nothing more than the ground of wich we were derived from. All of our feelings that we think are the holy spirit and christ is nothing more than basic conditioning of sensations going through your body that your nerves end up feeling. In this land called america we're fed to beleive the conditioning that our parents gave to us as a child. Nothing more than a thought. If there is a god i will not get angry and point fingers.. but i just simply don't agree with his "plan". I don't agree with his/her attitude, and i don't agree that we're anything more than flesh and bone..... u only have one life... so live it up folks!! it will fly past you sooner than u think.
Be true to yourself and then u'll find happiness
be your own god!!!
my rant is complete, now it's time for sleep!
now for a really old/scary pic of my face
Be true to yourself and then u'll find happiness
be your own god!!!
my rant is complete, now it's time for sleep!

now for a really old/scary pic of my face

Have we used our minds to create an explanation for what has seemed unexplainable? When we look with wonder at the world around us, we seek to understand it. Every culture and every civilization has created a myth to explain where we came from. Oddly, there are common elements in many of them. Does this indicate a reality that each has stumbled upon - or merely a common hope expressed by each? I'm having my doubts lately - after all, why has a god who loves us allowed us to inflict so much pain and suffering in his name? Why do so many religions have an section warning of the dangers of false religions/gods - and tell us to destroy them? Yet I want to believe in something larger, something grand....
Have we used our minds to create an explanation for what has seemed unexplainable? When we look with wonder at the world around us, we seek to understand it. Every culture and every civilization has created a myth to explain where we came from. Oddly, there are common elements in many of them. Does this indicate a reality that each has stumbled upon - or merely a common hope expressed by each? I'm having my doubts lately - after all, why has a god who loves us allowed us to inflict so much pain and suffering in his name? Why do so many religions have an section warning of the dangers of false religions/gods - and tell us to destroy them? Yet I want to believe in something larger, something grand....