I've been so busy lately I havent had time to get on here...
Had a great Thanksgiving weekend, really laid back. Worked mostly since there was no class and I need the money. That's life though, right? If im not at school im at work. If im not at work im at the gym. If im not at the gym im trying to... Read More
Had a great time in Idaho over the weekend. Did a whole lot of sleeping and general lazing around. Just what I needed! Now back to the grind...
I'm taking this women's studies class that is amazing. Seriously. And yet I am pretty much the only person that actually comes to class prepared and ready to discuss the readings from the night before. This class... Read More
Sitting on the corner watching all the girls go by...
I wish I had as easy a time approaching women as I do men. What the crap? I get all silly feeling and ridiculous when I like a girl...it's pretty funny really.
What else is on the agenda today....
Peruvian purple potatoes pushing past parsley pandas