Sorry you all missed a great show. Unfortunately Oroku cancelled. Damn it!
This place is so empty. At least I have the internet. But I have no flame and no microwave. And no dishes besides some mugs and this plastic fork that I found. That soy milk better still be in the fridge when I wake up tomorrow morn, or else I'll be eating my Grape Nuts dry...
So since BARREN rocks
...we got asked to play in Madison (by the bass player in Tierra De Nadie). Hahahaha! I am in love. Madison is where I was born FYI. It's always near and dear to my heart. I have a ton of stories about Madison (good and bad), but it's late. I'll tell more later.
This place is so empty. At least I have the internet. But I have no flame and no microwave. And no dishes besides some mugs and this plastic fork that I found. That soy milk better still be in the fridge when I wake up tomorrow morn, or else I'll be eating my Grape Nuts dry...
So since BARREN rocks

I agree, though. No microwave and I'd be devolving into caveman behavior, cracking open cans with clubs and stone spears.