I guess I don't update this blog like other people do, or like I used to. I guess I don't have much exciting stuff to talk about. It's all bad news, or it just seems that way. At least I'm starting to go to diy punk shows again. I miss them people. Some new punk houses are doing basement shows. But y'know, whenever there's a new house doing basement shows, it means one house has been banned from doing shows, or no one involved in the punk scene lives there anymore. And BARREN (my new musical outfit) is on its way to playing shows. What a treat.
I still have a bunch a stuff for sale. Go back a cople entries, you'll see. I really really need to make a website with everything I have for sale. But, I don't have my own computer. My lil brother has his own computer... that my dad built for him. Must be nice. The computer my parents bought for me crapped out within 6 months, or just the most important thing about a computer... the interweb. Figures. And my dad has tried everything (so he says) to get it up and running again.
So, you won't be hearing/seeing much of/from me anytime soon. Bummer dude.
I still have a bunch a stuff for sale. Go back a cople entries, you'll see. I really really need to make a website with everything I have for sale. But, I don't have my own computer. My lil brother has his own computer... that my dad built for him. Must be nice. The computer my parents bought for me crapped out within 6 months, or just the most important thing about a computer... the interweb. Figures. And my dad has tried everything (so he says) to get it up and running again.
So, you won't be hearing/seeing much of/from me anytime soon. Bummer dude.
hey thanx!

can i buy your ticket for tonight?