I played solo in front of 15-20 people the other nite. First time playing my "songs" in front of a crowd. It was crazy. I was shaking so bad during the second song. But I can't wait to do it again. My friends are sweethearts and were whooping and hollering when I'd raise my voice to a yell in "Jealousy Be Damned". They were even singing the chorus with me by the 3rd time the chorus came around. Big love!
oh my gosh, i wanna hear! i wanna do a weekend roadtrip to chicago soon, maybe we can hang out if i come out?
Oh yay! By the way, my "songs" are not that well-structured yet. I'm only playing one or two notes. I really suck. But I'm sick on not playing music, so I had to start somewhere. My voice is what really gets people.