I've been researching and wanting to live out in a converted van. I have been Looking into vans and it great to some conversation. I didn't look into the gas and the MPG. Overall this look like the best plan and most comfortable way to live that travel lifestyle.
I have found out about living on a sailboat too. What a great idea when I looked it up. Only problem is learning how to do all the sailboat this with water things. Looked like a great way to live on the coast with a budget. Overall I must love the sea to set sail. (One Piece)
Now after I took my motorcycle class, I have been looking into motorcycle to buy. The reviews and things like that. Than I saw "Living on a Motorcycle." Fascinating and mostly living off the free land of the USA. Waking up at national parks and just riding everywhere with a motorcycle.
Now I'm finding these ideas interesting and might just settle with the motorcycle lifestyle. I Have been watching videos the past couple of days and it seem fun and a lifetime of experience.
Sometimes planning and slowly making it work is the way to go. Update to bigger plans in life because life is a great old adventure.