What current pop culture phenomenon are you obsessed with right now? (TV, movie, video game, etc)
TV show will be Game of Thrones. Most of my friends and family watch it. Everyone has their favorites but I love what the Stark's stand for. I'm glad it's ending, the show have slowly losing it magic.
After a year of membership, I went MIA for a while. Life have been great but my travel plans will have to be on hold for now. I've been going around town just trying local food. Breakfast is my favorite and I like eating by myself. 4/20 was fun and full with food. Friends and I have been BBQ recently. Tasty BBQ but still learning...
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the middle one was making me have a warm/sad feeling looking at it.
my friend's work.
he did some great work. Feel like he captured some people feelings with expressions.
First time going to art hop. Artist put up their work and the DJ plays hip hop base music. Two places to go but I think I'm more of a live band type vibe. If
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take a listen. Some fun stories. I laugh at some because it's relatable. Enjoy.
Why do I have to keep on apologizing? I learn and grow and move on.
Good people only get one chance to mess up, while bad people get more chances because everyone except them to mess up. Life sure is fun.
What a song!