Hello fellow SG members! Just want to share some interesting article I found on the net. Should you quit your job and travel the world?What do you think?

Hello fellow SG members! Just want to share some interesting article I found on the net. Should you quit your job and travel the world?What do you think?
My recent adventure, like many before it, is leading me to consider some future endeavors that I might otherwise have overlooked. I hope you get to do some adventuring soon and that it provides you with much food for thought.
Well, I'm gonna take the middle path on this. Don't quite your job to travel. Get a job that makes you travel!!!! I spent 6 years changing countries every two to three months thanks to a very well-paid job. I didn't just get to travel, I got to discover, explore, meet, blend in, learn, etc. as I was given the resources to do this properly. No tourist backpacking yellow brick road for me... The job took me to places I would have probably never been otherwise: Panama, Pakistan, Qatar, Taiwan, Mauritania, Angola, etc., etc. All in all, I worked in 21 countries over those 6 years while my salary accumulated in a bank account (we were paid all travel, accomodation and communication expenses + daily stipend). On occasion, we'd spend money to do something truly extraordinary like balloon over Angkor Wat, a party week-end in HK, or something else normal sedentaries just don't manage. I grew tired of it, of course, but loved every minute of it while it lasted. So, in one little word of advice, don't choose one over the other: COMBINE.