Current Mood: Devastated
I just found out that adear friend of mine is HIV+. i am shocked, sad, scared and everything that goes along with finding out someone has a terminal illness. They think he has had it 10+ years and, yes, he has been tested numerous times, but it always showed up negative because the form of HIV he has is not screened for in the regular test. So now I am horrified and terrified and just plain fucking angry that when you go for an HIV test, you do not receive proper screening for every form of the virus. WTF??? I've gotten tested once or twice a year for the past 10 years or so and now I find out that I, or anyone else for that matter, can be walking around infected, thinking we and our partners are safe??? Does anyone else find this as fucked up as I do?? I am really just beside myself right now....

I just found out that adear friend of mine is HIV+. i am shocked, sad, scared and everything that goes along with finding out someone has a terminal illness. They think he has had it 10+ years and, yes, he has been tested numerous times, but it always showed up negative because the form of HIV he has is not screened for in the regular test. So now I am horrified and terrified and just plain fucking angry that when you go for an HIV test, you do not receive proper screening for every form of the virus. WTF??? I've gotten tested once or twice a year for the past 10 years or so and now I find out that I, or anyone else for that matter, can be walking around infected, thinking we and our partners are safe??? Does anyone else find this as fucked up as I do?? I am really just beside myself right now....

Wow! That's horrible, very scary news.
I'm sorry babe...That's awful news. You doing okay?