My new apartment is so great! I have been sooooooo happy there and I just have been able to smile for the first time in forever! I guess you don't realize how unhappy you are until you remove yourself from a situation and look back on it.
My place totally needs some color, though! I'm really into mexican folk art, especially Day of the Dead stuff, so I bought a few pieces on Ebay and can't wait to put the colorful pictures on my big. boring white walls!!
Plus i have the coolest neighbor, whom i rarely see LOL We totally need to have a dinner party and invite all of YOU!!!
My place totally needs some color, though! I'm really into mexican folk art, especially Day of the Dead stuff, so I bought a few pieces on Ebay and can't wait to put the colorful pictures on my big. boring white walls!!
Plus i have the coolest neighbor, whom i rarely see LOL We totally need to have a dinner party and invite all of YOU!!!
sounds great. day of the dead stuff is cool. your neighbor has a pretty cool neighbor too
heyyyy.. am i that cool neighbor? huh? huh? lol