im in a crappy mood today.
i want to stay home in bed all day.
no work. no people. nothing.
i need a weekend to just stay home. this weekend is already filled. probably the same for the next few. i like going out but i like staying home too. whichever i chose to do i usually enjoy. but my body needs to stay in more.
i went out on a nice date on saturday. dinner and a movie. a fancy dinner too. it was nice. i cant remember the last time i went on a fancy dinner. probably somewhere around 3 years ago. i liked it a lot. i like the person a lot too. but its a very weird situation. it can never be more than whatever it is now. i like to hang out with him, i feel very comfortable with him, he makes me happy. but theres no future i guess. i dont know, its weird and it confuses me when i stop think about it.
It is good to hear that someone is treating you nice.