worst. day. ever.
last night i decided im not going to my first class. no big deal. so i figure out what time i have to leave to get to my second class on time. i decide 12:55.
this morning i get up around 10, have some coffee, pay my bills, make important phone calls. i get in the shower around 11:20. im getting ready, wanting to leave by 12:15 to get to school early and study for my exam. then at 12:06 i realize my class actually starts at 12:30, not 1:45. and we have our first exam today. not good. so i put clothes on and my wet hair up and run out the door. run to the subway and JUST miss teh A train. it is now 12:15, i have 15 minutes to get from 181st street to 59th street. i know this wont happen if i wait for the subway so i run back out, go to an ATM and take out $20 for a cab. i take the best cab ever and got to school at 12:35. i was only like 10 minutes late. but if i missed that exam the best grade i could get in the class would be a C, that would be so awful cause its the easiest class ever and im taking it as an elective, not to bring down my GPA. so thankfully i got there and took my exam. however i had no makeup on, forgot a belt so my pants were falling off, only had a sweatshirt on and it was hot and i was all gross and sweaty and my hair was a disaster. i was supposed to work 5-10:30 tonight. i called out of work because there was no way i was showing up like that. and i just got my period and ive been so busy im going to collapse. so called out of work and came home early.
to make my day a little better though, they FINALLY let me be a NY resident (fucking 2 years later) meaning ill be getting a $2500 refund for the tution. not a bad deal. now i can eat and pay all my medical bills for a few months...good enough for now. they were still denying me over a little technicality but i finally got them to let me be a resident. now im home and tired and im so excited because i get to chill in bed and watch tv all night. now that im getting this $2500 im going to tell them at work i can only work sat and sun and not week nights, because i cant take this 12 hour day shit every day of the week. i need time to myself. i need time to go food shopping and do laundry. i hope they let me do that though, well see. god i cant wait to get my degree. ive been looking into grad schools also. im pretty sure im not going to go to john jay still though, i want to go to grad school for molecular biology i think, its much more versatile than forensic science.
and yesterday i got to shoot a beretta and a little browning .25 caliber pistol. pretty awesome. the little pistols are so cute, i want one like this

last night i decided im not going to my first class. no big deal. so i figure out what time i have to leave to get to my second class on time. i decide 12:55.
this morning i get up around 10, have some coffee, pay my bills, make important phone calls. i get in the shower around 11:20. im getting ready, wanting to leave by 12:15 to get to school early and study for my exam. then at 12:06 i realize my class actually starts at 12:30, not 1:45. and we have our first exam today. not good. so i put clothes on and my wet hair up and run out the door. run to the subway and JUST miss teh A train. it is now 12:15, i have 15 minutes to get from 181st street to 59th street. i know this wont happen if i wait for the subway so i run back out, go to an ATM and take out $20 for a cab. i take the best cab ever and got to school at 12:35. i was only like 10 minutes late. but if i missed that exam the best grade i could get in the class would be a C, that would be so awful cause its the easiest class ever and im taking it as an elective, not to bring down my GPA. so thankfully i got there and took my exam. however i had no makeup on, forgot a belt so my pants were falling off, only had a sweatshirt on and it was hot and i was all gross and sweaty and my hair was a disaster. i was supposed to work 5-10:30 tonight. i called out of work because there was no way i was showing up like that. and i just got my period and ive been so busy im going to collapse. so called out of work and came home early.
to make my day a little better though, they FINALLY let me be a NY resident (fucking 2 years later) meaning ill be getting a $2500 refund for the tution. not a bad deal. now i can eat and pay all my medical bills for a few months...good enough for now. they were still denying me over a little technicality but i finally got them to let me be a resident. now im home and tired and im so excited because i get to chill in bed and watch tv all night. now that im getting this $2500 im going to tell them at work i can only work sat and sun and not week nights, because i cant take this 12 hour day shit every day of the week. i need time to myself. i need time to go food shopping and do laundry. i hope they let me do that though, well see. god i cant wait to get my degree. ive been looking into grad schools also. im pretty sure im not going to go to john jay still though, i want to go to grad school for molecular biology i think, its much more versatile than forensic science.
and yesterday i got to shoot a beretta and a little browning .25 caliber pistol. pretty awesome. the little pistols are so cute, i want one like this

BMCC (is the place to be) hehe