This weekend was pretty interesting. I saw Closer last weekend with Natalie Portman (Jesus Christ, she is sexy) and I was inspired to dye my short hair brown. So, Saturday morning I drove to SC and had my hair dyed and cut. I totally love it (see pics tomorrow). Some people don't even notice but others trip out! I am stoked. It's so fun to do a drastic physical change! After doing this, I went to Macys and proceeded to purchase $200 worth of dangly earrings on my Macys card to go with my cute new hair style. I know, I know, you think I'm nuts. Wasn't I just bitching about my credit bills? Women. Anyhow, it made me happy so fuck it. There is a sweet new guy who might soon be in the running for the lucky position of being my man. But, as you all know, I don't get my hopes up about men anymore because 95% of the time I get disappointed. In the mean time, I'm still always on the hunt to fill that lucky position of being my woman! So, all you sexy suitorettes, drop a line aye! Okay, now I'm just getting fiesty. I only have one more hour of work so I guess I better actually get something done. By the way, does anyone know what is? It says "bok" but it looks more like a squirrel to me. Hmm.
hello, hello, pretty lady. i just changed my hair color, too. you are right, changing your appearance is fun. do you have pics of the new you?
Chicken, no?