Gosh, I haven't written in forever! I didn't realize it had been so long. Let's see...what's been going on in Shannonland. Most recently my grandma had back surgery so I have pretty much been living with and taking care of her for the past couple of weeks. I sleep there and go right back there after work. She's getting much better so hopefully I will get my life back soon. I miss my own bed! My septum piercing has healed nicely and I'm looking forward to getting some actual jewelry. I wonder if they make really short barbells for that. Hmm. I made some potato leek soup the other day at my grandma's house and it turned out so good that after trying it, her neighbor now wants to buy all of the ingredients so I can make him a pot of his very own. He's so sweet. Is is wrong to think a 65 year old guy is cute? I mean, not that I would ever date a 65 year old guy but you can tell he is just a real sweetheart. It was actually really funny because I told my grandma I thought he was cute for an old guy and she told him! The next time I saw him you should have seen the way he was looking at me! It wasn't a perverted sort of look it was more like a shy "Oh my gosh...a 23 year old chick thinks I'm cute!" look. If I was old, I'd hit on him
LOL. Anyway. I know there is more interesting stuff going on in Shannonland but I am sort of brain dead as I haven't had my cup of coffee yet this morning. I hope you all are having a fabulous day!

eh, i guess i can't complain, i can go long stretches without updating as well. Just you watch me!