On Monday night, I was digging around in my nose with a Q-Tip when I accidentally pushed out my septum retainer. Ive only had it for 3 weeks and havent taken it out so I decided that while soaking my nose in salt water, I would put the ring in the same cup to get it all cleaned off. Well, after soaking for about 10 minutes, I absentmindedly walked over to the kitchen sink and dumped the water, along with my retainer, down the drain. Unfortunately it was the side thats just a drain so it went right down into the pipe and my friend didnt have the proper tool to open the damn thing so I went to bed with no jewelry in my nose. I was worried that it would close up since it is only 3 weeks old so immediately after work yesterday I went to Pierce Ink to get a new retainer. They didnt have one in the same style and gauge that I had before so I ended up getting a circular barbell. Anyhow, they have to use one of those stretchers to get the 10g ring in because the hole had gotten smaller and DAMN that shit hurt! It was worse than when I actually got it pierced. So now I have this big obnoxious piece of jewelry in my nose and I cant stop sniffing because it feels like I have boogers in my nose. Luckily I talked to my friend yesterday who finally got the pipe open and recovered my retainer. I cant wait to get it back. This circular barbell is cool to wear if its flipped out but my balls are to big to wear it flipped in. This is the first time Ive ever complained about big balls. Oh yea, so after I get my new ring and my nose is all sore, I go to have drinks with Matt & Megan after which we decide to go to Megans house to watch a movie. She gives me her key so I can go straight over there while she picks up her mini pincher, Duke, whom we lovingly refer to as Dukie. I get there, put on my PJs, and lay on her bed waiting for the both of them to show up. Well, Matt shows up all drunk. If you can picture, I am laying on the left side of the bed on my stomach with my face turned to the left so it is right at the edge of the bed. Well, fuckin drunk Matt comes in to harass me, charges up to the side of the bed I am on, and smashes his knee right into my fuckin nose! He hates my new ring so instead of apologizing, he makes boo hoo noises and tells me I should take the stupid thing out anyway. Well, Im already PMSing and nursing a headache Ive had for the past 4 days so I get ALL pissy and decide to leave. I realized that by this point, I wasnt in any mood to deal with him through a whole movie and probably wouldnt be very good company anyway. I was bummed because I was excited to see Dukie. Oh well, I got to go to bed at 9:30 and got the sleep Ive been deprived of for like a week. I'm so glad it's already Wednesday.

Shoulda punched him in the mouth.
You said Big Balls....