After almost 6 years, today is one of my last days at my job. Another job opportunity has fallen in my lap and I've taken it. As I sit here at my desk, however, I have this feeling of sadness. Every day when I'd come to work, I hated hearing the same annoying voices and doing the same old thing, but all of a sudden I feel so sad that I'm leaving it behind. I can't seem to shake this nagging feeling that I'm not making the right decision. I supposed it's natural as change is uncomfortable and I know once I get settled into my new job I will feel the sense of comfort I do here, but the whole transition is bumming me out. This is weird. I almost wish they would offer me some huge raise so I could stay. I know this will be good for me but I'm having a hard time grasping the concept. Wish me luck...
So did you die at your new job or something? Whats new?

Have a great Christmas and all the best for next year Kismi.