Okay, here's a REALLY crappy phone cam pic of my new hair do. I'm definitely going to have to take a better one with my digital camera tonight...
Last night I woke up at 3:30am to the sounds of hamster brawl. It wasn't the usual random squeak, squeak. It was like, "SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAK!"...continuously for like 5 minutes. I finally got up to check out WTF was going on and when I looked in the boy's cage, I saw my favorite ham, Diggs, bloody! HE WAS BLOODY! I immediately pulled him out and took him into the bathroom for further inspection. His back right leg was totally red with blood, he had blood on his tummy, and next to his nose. The tan mother fucker in the cage totally beat him up! He beat up my Diggsy!! So, I put Diggsy in his own cage. I was totally relieved when, not five minutes later, he was cleaning himself and running in the wheel. When I woke up this morning he was totally clean! Needless to say, Diggsy has earned himself his own pad and I will be keeping a close eye on the little tan mother fucker. If he gets out of line again, I'm going to feed him to Zeus!

Last night I woke up at 3:30am to the sounds of hamster brawl. It wasn't the usual random squeak, squeak. It was like, "SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAK!"...continuously for like 5 minutes. I finally got up to check out WTF was going on and when I looked in the boy's cage, I saw my favorite ham, Diggs, bloody! HE WAS BLOODY! I immediately pulled him out and took him into the bathroom for further inspection. His back right leg was totally red with blood, he had blood on his tummy, and next to his nose. The tan mother fucker in the cage totally beat him up! He beat up my Diggsy!! So, I put Diggsy in his own cage. I was totally relieved when, not five minutes later, he was cleaning himself and running in the wheel. When I woke up this morning he was totally clean! Needless to say, Diggsy has earned himself his own pad and I will be keeping a close eye on the little tan mother fucker. If he gets out of line again, I'm going to feed him to Zeus!

I'm having second thoughts about showing up on your doorstep now!
It may be blurry, but I can still make out a hot china doll/flapper girl in that picture.